Results At The Drop Of A Hammer
Wanting to be the strongest real estate brand online in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, Harcourts International approached HyperHelium® about organic Search.
Harcourts is one of the fastest growing real estate brands worldwide, with someone buying one of their properties every 10 minutes. Founded in 1888 by JB Harcourt, today they have over 900 offices in 10 different countries with a team of 10,000 members worldwide.

Harcourts operates its own CRM, Harcourts One (H1). H1 drives data from the agent up, propelling all listings from agent, to franchisee, to country website portals. The main problem was poor Google performance in Australia, New Zealand & South Africa for the country specific websites in each market, for discretionary demand terms.Solution
Organic search was our solution, however, to perform organic search, we needed to overcome some obstacles, such as;- Core access to H1 limited/restricted.
- Core access to agent websites, franchisee websites, and country websites limited/restricted.

What we achieved
1st Place Keyword Rankings
1st Page Keyword Rankings
What we achieved
Visitors – Australia
Visitors – New Zealand
Visitors – South Africa
Ranking higher than any other real estate agency in all three countries.
Source: Harcourts International Google Analytics & Google SERPS, 2016 vs. 2015.
More Results
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